Why I give

By Lisa Bjerke ’13, MPhil ’16

College of the Atlantic is a foundational part of my educational experience and personal development. The Mount Desert Island and COA communities supported me in learning about myself, helped me reflect on my assumptions about the world, encouraged me to try, and allowed me to fail upwards. 

I give to COA because I want to pay it forward to students and give back to the community. COA has so much potential in its education and operations, and I want to support the community’s motto of “Life-changing, world-changing.” While I try to take action for a more equitable and just world, and dream of global wealth redistribution, I also dream of one day being able to give back the scholarship funds I received to the educational institutions that have been part of my life. I believe giving back to COA is one small practice for more accessible education. Donating enables me to influence the college, to ask for accountability, and to show my support. In addition, the alumnx giving percentage impacts the college’s ability to receive funding from foundations, which is always so important.

I joined the Black Fly Society because I want COA to be able to focus on things other than asking alumnx to donate. I want to support the community, specifically the operating budget, and enable the college to take action on climate justice and walk its talk.


Joyce Cacho, trustee


Heather Richards Evans, trustee